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16 Nov 2020, 2:25 pm
Special projects for SCOTUSblog [20%]: Assisting in the production of SCOTUStalk, a podcast on the Supreme Court; Writing news articles about the Supreme Court, including but not limited to coverage of justices’ speeches, special events and death penalty cases; Strategizing with the SCOTUSblog team about new features or improvements to the website and social media. [read post]
11 Nov 2020, 10:48 am
Special projects for SCOTUSblog [20%]: Assisting in the production of SCOTUStalk, a podcast on the Supreme Court; Writing news articles about the Supreme Court, including but not limited to coverage of justices’ speeches, special events and death penalty cases; Strategizing with the SCOTUSblog team about new features or improvements to the website and social media. [read post]
1 Oct 2019, 4:02 am
” In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk, Amy Howe chats with Tony Mauro, “who recently retired after nearly four decades covering the Supreme Court, about what he saw on the Supreme Court beat. [read post]
4 Mar 2019, 3:47 am
” In this blog’s new podcast, SCOTUStalk, Amy Howe breaks down the argument with NPR’s Nina Totenberg. [read post]
30 Apr 2019, 4:10 am
” In the most recent episode of SCOTUStalk, Kimberly Robinson joins Amy Howe to discuss last week’s oral argument in Department of Commerce v. [read post]
16 Apr 2019, 3:42 am
” Briefly: In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk (podcast), Amy Howe chats with Stephen Wermeil about Supreme Court retirements, past and (possibly) future. [read post]
20 Jun 2019, 3:57 am
” In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk (podcast), Amy Howe recaps Monday’s opinions and orders. [read post]
26 Mar 2019, 3:27 am
” In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk (podcast), Amy Howe talks to Evan and Oscie Thomas about Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the subject of Evan Thomas’ new biography. [read post]
21 May 2019, 3:51 am
Briefly: In this week’s episode of SCOTUStalk (podcast), Amy Howe talks to Tom Goldstein and David Savage “about abortion and recent legislation aimed at overturning Roe v. [read post]
26 Jun 2019, 3:58 am
” Briefly: In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk, Amy Howe reviews Monday’s Supreme Court opinions and orders. [read post]
23 Apr 2019, 3:54 am
” In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk (podcast), Mark Walsh joins Amy Howe to discuss last week’s oral argument in Iancu v. [read post]
14 May 2019, 4:08 am
Briefly: In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk, John Elwood joins Amy Howe to talk about cert petitions at the Supreme Court. [read post]
11 Jun 2019, 3:51 am
In this week’s episode of SCOTUStalk, Amy Howe and Tom Goldstein take a look at what’s ahead at the Supreme Court for the final weeks of June. [read post]
19 Mar 2019, 4:03 am
” In the latest episode of SCOTUStalk (podcast), Amy Howe talks to former Assistant to the Solicitor General Sarah Harrington about life in the SG’s office. [read post]