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23 Apr 2008, 8:20 am
Bodnar’s lawyer, Elkan Abramowitz, reports that Bodnar will plead not guilty. [read post]
4 Feb 2010, 12:18 am
Mogul, principals of Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand, Iason, Anello & Bohrer, write that, for the recipient, a 30(b)(6) notice carries with it substantial obligations to designate and prepare appropriate witness(es) - obligations the recipient ignores at its peril. [read post]
3 Jun 2019, 3:00 am by John Jenkins
But this recent blog from Andrew Abramowitz notes that one company has filed a lawsuit that pushes back against the SEC’s position. [read post]
13 Nov 2017, 3:00 am by John Jenkins
This recent blog from Andrew Abramowitz asks whether we really need a new exchange to accomplish a more long-term approach by companies: What is less clear to me is why it has to be a new stock exchange that is the mechanism for implementing these changes. [read post]
8 Feb 2020, 4:22 am by Thomas Valenti
They are Rosa Abdelnour, Ava Abramowitz, Jim Alfini, Cynthia Alkon, Laurie Amaya, Lisa Amsler, Peter Benner, Debra Berman, Russ Bleemer, Michael Buenger, Alyson Carrel, Sarah Cole, Ben Cook, Chris Draper, Noam Ebner, Deb Eisenberg, Brian Farkas, Lara Fowler, Doug Frenkel, Steve Goldberg, Rebekah Gordon, Michael Green, Jill Gross, Chris Guthrie, Noah Hanft, Heather Heavin, David Henry, Howard Herman, Chris Honeyman, Charlie Irvine, Barney Jordaan, Jane Juliano, Michaela Keet, Randy Kiser,… [read post]
18 May 2018, 3:00 am by John Jenkins
But this recent blog from Andrew Abramowitz highlights a potential workaround for companies looking to raise more money – a simultaneous Regulation CF & Rule 506(c) offering. [read post]
15 Aug 2006, 1:26 am
Steven Solomon, Internal Conflicts: Dilemmas and Developments David Kaye, The Legal Bureaucracy and the Law of War David Abramowitz, Taking the Bull By the Horns: Congress and International Humanitarian Law Sir Franklin Berman, QC, What do We Expect of Lawyers in Armed Conflict? [read post]
22 May 2007, 6:24 am
"   Law and ChildrenTuesday, May 15, 2007By Andrew Schepard"Andrew Schepard, a professor of law at Hofstra University School of Law, writes: It is thus discouraging that despite Chief Judge Kaye's vigorous advocacy and strong political support, the Legislature has not yet passed the necessary constitutional amendment to create a modern family court. [read post]
9 Dec 2008, 11:51 pm
  Davis Wright Tremaine added Andrew Abramowitz, a former shareholder at Greenberg Traurig, as a partner in the New York office. [read post]
12 Sep 2012, 4:58 am by Rob Robinson (Andrew MacArthur) Why Keyword Search Won’t Go Away – (Sheila Mackay) You’ve GOT [No] Mail! [read post]
23 Jan 2007, 8:54 am
Temkin, principals in Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand, Iason, Anello & Bohrer, write that there is no question that in certain situations, such as receipt of a grand jury subpoena, IRS summons or court order, an accountant is compelled to disclose client information. [read post]