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28 May 2020, 2:05 am by INFORRM
That is for the simple reason that technology moves on at such a rapid pace that it is very likely that we would end up excluding something…. [read post]
21 Nov 2005, 1:03 pm
What is less understood, however, is how the new law could hurt the entire United States economy, and consequently, the financial wellbeing of all Americans. [read post]
Disrupt & Dismantle Threat Actors Pillar 2 discussed the commitment to use “all instruments of national power to disrupt and dismantle threat actors whose actions threaten our interests,” focusing on heading off “sustained cyber-enabled campaigns that would threaten the national security or public safety of the United States. [read post]
25 May 2022, 9:01 pm by Richard Zelichov and Trevor T. Garmey
Securities Litigation, 768 F.3d 1046 (9th Cir. 2014) (violations of Section 303 do not give rise to private right of action under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5) with Stratte-McClure v. [read post]
8 Sep 2010, 2:57 am by Kevin LaCroix
But while the pace of new lawsuit filings has dwindled, new filings have not entirely gone away. [read post]
8 Apr 2008, 8:05 am
F-1 students generally are not authorized to work in the United States during the term of their educational program, with limited exceptions. [read post]
30 Oct 2018, 4:50 am by Graham Smith
  That should become clearer after the outcome of Liberty’s appeal to the Court of Appeal in its judicial review of the Act and various pending references to the CJEU.Meanwhile the recent Strasbourg judgment in Big Brother Watch v UK (yet to be made final, pending possible referral to the Grand Chamber) has exposed a separate set of flaws in the IP Act’s predecessor legislation, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA). [read post]
1 Jul 2010, 5:20 pm by carie
In that spirit, Roberts last week denounced President Obama’s criticism of the Court in his State of the Union address, saying that the occasion had “degenerated to a political pep rally. [read post]
15 Mar 2010, 10:14 am by Hilde
In that spirit, Roberts last week denounced President Obama’s criticism of the Court in his State of the Union address, saying that the occasion had “degenerated to a political pep rally. [read post]
4 Dec 2013, 11:04 am by Rebecca Tushnet
  Also deceptive mailings: “Prize Notification Bureau” with “State of California Commisioners of Registration” seal—FTC v. [read post]
8 Jan 2025, 9:01 pm by renholding
Certain EU member state regulators have raised concerns regarding the updated guidelines. [read post]
5 Oct 2011, 3:19 pm by Mandelman
  The important thing to know is that we only started keeping data on this country’s recessions in 1950… and we haven’t had anything but ‘V’ shaped recoveries since 1950. [read post]
17 Sep 2013, 12:44 pm by The Book Review Editor
Chemical weapons, it seemed, had been consigned to the dustbin of history, no matter the stockpiles that states continued to hold, especially in the Middle East, right up to today. [read post]