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3 Apr 2007, 11:30 am
(Robert Reid). [read post]
11 Sep 2008, 6:52 am by Keith
Little Rock, AR 72207 Newell, Daniel Shanks 507 Bare St. [read post]
15 Feb 2007, 12:17 am
Mullen (PDF 1.94 MB) Letter provides a list of unfunded FY 2008 Navy programs requirements 02/14/2007 Guidelines for FY08 Member Requests for the Defense Authorization Bill (PDF 4.05 MB) Guidelines prepared by the majority staff of the House Armed Services Committee 02/14/2007 Letter to President Bush from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Letter requests the president to take the necessary steps to ensure that the tens of thousands of soldiers being… [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 3:06 am
Reid (New York University). ? [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Brown DorothyABrown Emory Kara Bruce ProfessorKBruce Toledo Matthew Bruckner Prof_Bruckner Howard Sam Brunson smbrnsn Loyola Chicago Ryan Bubb ryan_bubb NYU Neil Buchanan NeilHBuchanan George Washington Trevor Buck trevbuck De Montfort U (UK) Alafair Burke alafairburke Hofstra Beth Burkstrand-Reid beth_burkstrand Nebraska Kylie Burns snailsinbottles Griffith (Australia) Sarah Burstein design_law Oklahoma Michael  Burstein  mburstein  Cardozo Naomi Cahn NaomiCahn George… [read post]
30 Nov 2009, 11:48 am by Tom
Other internet media sources: Catching up: Casey Cagle on the impact of Democratic health care reform Key Provisions of the Senate Health Care Bill Key Senate Health Care Reform Vote Today: Did Reid Do His Homework? [read post]
11 May 2010, 7:30 pm by Anna Christensen
Daniel Solove comments on the Supreme Court confirmation process more generally at Concurring Opinions, calling for term limits for Supreme Court Justices. [read post]
13 May 2018, 4:09 pm by INFORRM
On 11 May 2018 Nicol J handed down judgment in the case of Reid v Newsquest (Midlands South) Ltd. [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am by Bridget Crawford
Brown DorothyABrown Emory Kara Bruce ProfessorKBruce Toledo Matthew Bruckner Prof_Bruckner Howard Sam Brunson smbrnsn Loyola Chicago Ryan Bubb ryan_bubb NYU Neil Buchanan NeilHBuchanan George Washington Trevor Buck trevbuck De Montfort U (UK) Alafair Burke alafairburke Hofstra Beth Burkstrand-Reid beth_burkstrand Nebraska Kylie Burns snailsinbottles Griffith (Australia) Sarah Burstein design_law Oklahoma Naomi Cahn NaomiCahn George Washington Gillian Calder gilliancalder Victoria Stephen… [read post]
17 Nov 2023, 4:40 am by Beatrice Yahia
In a televised briefing yesterday, IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said military engineers were working to continue exposing the tunnel network. [read post]
13 Jan 2011, 2:52 pm by Michael Markarian
John Kerry, D-Mass., Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, Harry Reid, D-Nev., and David Vitter, R-La., played key roles in winning this law’s enactment.???? [read post]
12 Aug 2008, 2:00 pm
  On Tuesday, August 19, 2008, is sponsoring a Manhattan real-estate networking event at The Madison & Gypsy Tea (27 West 24th Street). [read post]
24 Apr 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
National/Federal A Watchdog Out of Trump’s Grasp Unleashes Wave of Coronavirus Audits Politico – Kyle Cheney | Published: 4/20/2020 Lawmakers handed President Trump $2 trillion in coronavirus relief and then left town without activating any of the powerful new oversight tools meant to hold his administration accountable. [read post]
14 Feb 2019, 9:01 pm by Jim Sedor
FEC Raises Contribution Limits for 2020The Hill – Reid Wilson | Published: 2/7/2019 The FEC announced new higher campaign contribution limits. [read post]
12 Jan 2011, 11:36 am by Roshonda Scipio
Gondek.Antwerp ; Portland : Intersentia, c2009Human RightsK3240 .R4725 2010Research handbook on international human rights law / edited by Sarah Joseph, Adam McBeth.Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, c2010.Human RightsDT1974.2 .L66 2000 DVDLong night's journey into day [videorecording] / California Newsreel ; an Iris Films production ; directors, Frances Reid [and] Deborah Hoffmann. [read post]