Search for: "Advisory Opinion to Governor re Implementation of Amendment 4, The Voting Restoration Amendment"
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27 May 2024, 9:10 am
But here in Florida, not only is textualism dominant, it is arguably[2] mandatory for practitioners since the Florida Supreme Court declared its adherence to “the supremacy-of-text principle” in Advisory Opinion to the Governor re: Implementation of Amendment 4, the Voting Restoration Amendment, 288 So. 3d 1070 (Fla. 2020). [read post]
November 30, 2009 – Environmental Law Settlements, Decisions, Regulatory Actions and Lawsuit Filings
30 Nov 2009, 9:25 am
November 30, 2009 – A summary review of environmental law settlements, decisions, regulatory actions and lawsuits filed during the past week. [read post]