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21 Jul 2015, 1:21 pm
Since 1999, she has run the free legal service that helps low-income earners with their tax problems. [read post]
23 Aug 2008, 4:00 pm
Diana Leyden (UConn) has published Advocating For Low Income Taxpayers: A Clinical Studies Casebook (Vandeplas Publishing 2008). [read post]
1 May 2017, 7:28 am
New Report: Diana Elliot et al., “Miami and the State of Low- and Middle-Income Housing” (Urban Institute 2017). [read post]
25 Mar 2016, 2:00 am
Diana Leyden, Director of UConn's Low Income Taxpayer Clinic from 1999-2015 and currently Taxpayer Advocate in the New York City Department of Finance, has been named a Special Trial Judge of the United States Tax Court, effective June 2016: Ms. [read post]
26 Jul 2010, 12:00 am
., Northeastern University - Department of Economics and Diana L. [read post]
26 Jul 2010, 12:00 am
., Northeastern University - Department of Economics and Diana L. [read post]
5 Jul 2022, 10:32 am
Diana Moss: Oh, absolutely Diana. [read post]
10 Oct 2008, 4:35 am
I fear what America’s going to face with Barack Obama as president,” said Diana Ross, 59, who said she works for a company that helps provide apartments in Columbus to low-income residents. [read post]
23 Sep 2009, 10:50 pm
The full program is here; Tax Profs with speaking roles today include: Low Income Taxpayer Representation Workshop -- Keith Blair (Baltimore), Keith Fogg (Villanova), Paul Kphlhoff (Valparaiso), Diana Leyden (UConn), Kathhryn Sedo (Minnesota), Carlton Smith (Cardozo) Tax Bridge... [read post]
9 Feb 2012, 12:41 pm
Lawrence Zelenak (Duke) presents Choosing Between Tax and Non-Tax Delivery Mechanisms for Health Insurance Subsidies at Boston College today as part of its Tax Policy Workshop Series hosted by Jim Repetti and Diana Ring: Two companion provisions of the 2010 health care reform legislation provide subsidies (beginning in 2014)for low-... [read post]
16 Nov 2010, 8:44 am
Lowe, Brad Albrecht, Gordon R. [read post]
22 Mar 2013, 3:47 am
Diana's DREAM is to reduce diabetes and obesity by working with low income communities to teach them better eating habits. [read post]
27 May 2009, 10:28 am
"It is the ability to help provide legal services within the community and help keep the costs low. [read post]
1 Jan 2015, 9:05 pm
[Evil Skippy at Work] “But”, sic: “Vermont has some of the most progressive wage-and-hour laws in the country, but low-income workers are still struggling. [read post]
2 Dec 2021, 11:40 am
72nd Harvest Celebration co-chairs were Houston Bar Association Treasurer Diana Gomez, of Chamberlain Hrdlicka; HBA President Jennifer A. [read post]
1 Jun 2009, 6:16 am
Waxman, Frank Pallone, Bart Stupak, Diana DeGette, and Betty Sutton released a discussion draft of the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. [read post]
25 May 2017, 3:02 am
Williams, Ford Harrison] “Maryland Decriminalizes Unlicensed Barbering; Jacks Up Fines for Unlicensed Barbering” [Eric Boehm, Reason] “A New Jersey Bill Protects Pool Owners from Low Prices” [Shoshana Weissman, NRO on licensing of pool/spa service contractors and installers] “Lawsplainer: How The Seventh Circuit Decided That Sexual Orientation Discrimination Violates Federal Law” [Ken at Popehat, earlier here, here, and here] New Jersey taxpayers… [read post]
10 Oct 2013, 5:01 pm
Judgment of conviction (Diana M. [read post]
1 Dec 2006, 6:29 am
"State ends battle for girls' health records: Attorney general settles with Planned Parenthood over seizure of medical data" is the headline to a front-page story by Diana Penner in today's Indianapolis Star. [read post]
23 Dec 2009, 11:29 am
Diana Bowman and originally appeared on the National Nanomanufacturing Network's InterNano website earlier today. [read post]