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14 Mar 2007, 7:49 pm
  Many academic and blogospheric friends will be there like Ellen Podgor, Gerry Moohr and Sara Sun Beale, as well as political notables Ed Meese and Richard Thornburgh. [read post]
15 May 2008, 5:38 am
  With this perspective, I am looking forward to reading this new piece from Ellen Podgor, titled "Department of Justice Guidelines: Balancing 'Discretionary Justice'. [read post]
17 Jan 2013, 10:56 am by Carl Lietz
Ellen Podgor over at the White Collar Crime Prof Blog recently pointed out a significant decision out of the Ninth Circuit involving the federal mail fraud statute which could be helpful to those of us that handle white collar cases in federal court. [read post]
10 Feb 2008, 1:17 pm
Professor Ellen Podgor sums up:Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this indictment is that it represents yet another instance of the government interfering in the payment of attorney fees for the criminally accused. [read post]
18 Jul 2007, 11:20 pm
Get a load of this press release (hat tip Ellen Podgor) from the Department of Justice heralding the five year anniversary of the DOJ's Corporate Fraud Task Force. [read post]
6 Mar 2009, 3:16 pm
I was checking White Collar Crime Blog to get Professor Ellen Podgor's take on the Don Siegelman decision, but learned she's at the ABA White Collar Crime conference in San Francisco. [read post]
2 Apr 2008, 11:46 am
Ellen Podgor suggests that Eliot Spitzer may have already been punished enough (at least, enough that it may be a poor investment of state resources to seek to formally punish him). [read post]
25 Oct 2006, 12:30 pm
Obviously there was some back and forth in the blogosphere yesterday about Jeff Skilling's sentence:  Dave Hoffman (see my comments there); Larry Ribstein (responding to Dave); Ellen Podgor and Peter Henning; and Geoff Manne (with the best title). [read post]
17 Jan 2013, 3:56 pm
Ellen Podgor over at the White Collar Crime Prof Blog recently pointed out a significant decision out of the Ninth Circuit involving the federal mail fraud statute which could be helpful to those of us that handle white collar cases in federal court. [read post]
22 Feb 2007, 4:39 am
I just noticed that the Yale Law Journal's Pocket Part has two new pieces exploring the severity of modern white-collar sentences in the federal system: Here is a piece by Ellen Podgor, entitled "Throwing Away the Key" Here is a response from Andrew Weissmann and Joshua Block, entitled "White-Collar Defendants and White-Collar Crimes" Both pieces look like must-reads. [read post]
10 Dec 2009, 2:13 pm by David Oscar Markus
ALI pulls plug on standards for death penalty (via Ellen Podgor at White Collar Crime Blog)We'll be back soon. [read post]
28 Dec 2009, 8:11 am by John Steele
   Ellen Podgor, at White Collar Crime Blog, gives her annual wrap-up of "collar" awards for 2009. [read post]
17 Mar 2008, 8:21 pm
Larry Ribstein and Ellen Podgor break down and comment on the Tenth Circuit decision. [read post]
17 Jul 2011, 8:01 pm by Jeralyn
Law Prof Ellen Podgor at White Collar Crime Blog has some more thoughts on Roger Clemens' mistrial. [read post]