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Assets previously transferred to either health benefits or life insurance account in prior, qualified future transfer (and related income), which were not used as of the election effective date, are required to be transferred back to transferor plan within a reasonable [read post]
1 Jan 2014, 2:24 pm by Marty Lederman
  According to a statement issued by a University Vice President, it appears that Notre Dame will certify that it objects to contraception coverage, which means that Notre Dame students will receive contraceptive coverage from an insurance company (Aetna) and Notre Dame employees will receive such coverage from Notre Dame's third-party administrator (Meritain Health, Inc.), which will be reimbursed by the federal government. [read post]
25 Aug 2017, 4:00 am by Ken Chasse
Such breach of trust may well be a violation of s. 122 of the Criminal Code, “breach of trust by a public officer. [read post]
8 May 2007, 5:27 am
The following is a glossary of a broad list of legal terms, civil and criminal, state and federal and not just those in a divorce or family law case. [read post]