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12 Oct 2023, 7:13 pm
You may no longer have the professional or trade skills you would need to successfully re-enter the workforce right away. [read post]
8 Oct 2023, 9:00 pm
According to the available statistics, some 40-50% of marriages here in the United States end in divorce. [read post]
5 Oct 2023, 10:31 pm by wp team
Whether you’re a man or a woman, you may be entitled to alimony if you have been financially dependent on your spouse. [read post]
5 Oct 2023, 2:38 pm by John Elwood
A short explanation of relists is available here. [read post]
22 Sep 2023, 12:47 pm by jordan
Estate planning is too important to compromise on a lawyer who falls short of your expectations. [read post]
12 Sep 2023, 2:09 pm by Matt Grimshaw
Once served, the respondent has a short period to respond to the divorce petition. [read post]
23 Aug 2023, 7:09 am by Brian Galbraith
They tied the knot in 2015, but their marriage was short-lived, with Heard filing for divorce just 15 months later. [read post]
9 Aug 2023, 7:50 pm by Futeral & Nelson, LLC
Furthermore, if you hope to receive spousal support or alimony, any indication that you’re involved with someone or having intimate relations during your marriage could prevent you from obtaining such support. [read post]
6 Aug 2023, 5:40 am by Joel R. Brandes
Further, the husband’s testimony, as well as his bank records, showed that he made no contributions to his self-directed IRA during the marriage. [read post]
29 Jul 2023, 3:12 am by David Pocklington
The Chancellor had given a preliminary indication that he was prepared to grant a reservation for 11 years, but the petitioner had objected to such a short period. [read post]
18 Jul 2023, 7:17 pm by Russell Knight
“[T]he circuit court [has] the statutory authority to award…maintenance and child support from the date of [the] request in the petition for dissolution” In re Marriage of Hochstatter, 2020 IL App (3d) 190132 While child support gets cut short by a new divorce filing, maintenance payments duration will be extended. [read post]
10 Jul 2023, 11:50 am by Ryan Snyder
First, the court unanimously held that the EPA could regulate hydrofluorocarbons even when they’re blended with other chemicals. [read post]
9 Jul 2023, 8:59 am by David Yamada
Please write to me at if you're interested in getting involved. [read post]
23 Jun 2023, 3:20 pm by Matt Grimshaw
Normally, children aren’t given IDs until they’re 10 years old. [read post]