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1 Dec 2020, 4:57 am by D Daniel Sokol
Jay Ezrielev has written the CPI North American Column: The Google Complaint: A Step Backward for Antitrust Policy. [read post]
9 Sep 2024, 6:18 am by Alden Abbott
According to Jay Ezrielev, former economic adviser to FTC Chairman Joseph Simons: DOJ is trying to argue that firms using a common third-party vendor are engaging in a concerted action to implement a price-fixing conspiracy even if there is no agreement among them, tacit or explicit, to manipulate pricing. [read post]
12 Oct 2023, 7:48 am by Gus Hurwitz
Jay Ezrielev pondered the agencies’ critical attitude toward mergers, arguing that this hostility is “harming the very same workers that the agencies vow to protect. [read post]