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9 Aug 2010, 7:24 am by The Docket Navigator
The question is, will a similar motion in Unique Product Solutions, Limited v. [read post]
21 Dec 2022, 12:35 pm by Mark D. Rasch
In the back of Moon’s car, wedged into the pocket behind the front passenger seat, was a $29 Apple AirTag—a device that tracked Moon’s location. [read post]
26 Jun 2005, 1:39 pm
The Pleiades were important in ancient Mesopotamia.[3] The rising and setting of the Pleiades were significant astronomical and agrarian markers for the ancient Greeks (see the works of Hesiod, and Homer). [read post]
1 Feb 2007, 6:26 am
Each of these smaller stones has what appears to be a sculpted straight edge, suggesting a maneuverable usage intended for marking something, much like modern markers for lines or locations on a map, perhaps a kind of angle-setter? [read post]
19 Dec 2009, 11:42 am
”  The UN bureaucracy, its permanent culture of functionaries, endorsed the global New Class elites and their claim of legitimacy through expertise, because, after all, the experts were using the UN as the vehicle and thereby conferring upon it governance legitimacy â€" if you are Ban Ki Moon, what’s not to like about that? [read post]
7 Feb 2019, 9:17 am
    Long before the elections of 2016, the American Republic had been moving toward more formal and open hostilities in the cultural civil war, one with social, economic, cultural and political consequences, that was one of the great consequences of the immediate post 1945 period. [read post]