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13 Sep 2023, 7:16 am by Unreported Opinions
STATE OF MARYLAND appeared first on Maryland Daily Record. [read post]
14 Feb 2017, 8:02 am by Daily Record Staff
Criminal procedure — Hearsay — Recorded statement to police detective On June 3, 2015, a jury in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County found Charles Patterson, appellant, guilty of attempted murder, retaliation against a witness, and related crimes for his role in a shooting that occurred on March 3, 2014. [read post]
6 May 2021, 6:21 am by Daily Record Staff
Criminal procedure — Miranda warning — Post-Miranda silence After a jury trial in the Circuit Court for Dorchester County, Angelo Martez Patterson (“Appellant”) was found guilty of possession with intent to distribute cocaine, possession of cocaine, and keeping and maintaining a common nuisance for the illegal distribution of cocaine. [read post]
30 Jun 2024, 7:51 am by Joel R. Brandes
 Baz v Patterson, 2024 WL 1879035 (Seventh Circuit, 2024) [Germany][Petition granted] [Habitual residence]   In Baz v Patterson, 2024 WL 1879035 (Seventh Circuit, 2024) Asli Baz, a citizen of Germany, filed suit seeking to compel Anthony Patterson, a citizen of the United States, to return their six-year-old son, A.P., from Illinois to Germany. [read post]
5 Nov 2010, 3:18 pm by landuseprof
Patterson, a case that the Fifth Circuit certified on questions of interpreting state property law and the Texas Open Beaches Act (provisions which last year became part of the... [read post]
5 Nov 2010, 3:18 pm by landuseprof
Patterson, a case that the Fifth Circuit certified on questions of interpreting state property law and the Texas Open Beaches Act (provisions which last year became part of the... [read post]
31 May 2022, 8:55 pm by Lawrence Solum
Jordan Patterson has posted Ending a War Waged by Deed of Title: How to Achieve Distributive Justice for Black Farmers (Ohio State Law Journal, Vol. 82, No. 2, 2021) on SSRN. [read post]
18 May 2007, 5:58 am by Denese Dominguez
Conversely, Patterson Park Public Charter School, Inc. and the Midtown Academy, Inc. sought review of the Circuit Court's decision to reverse the grant of Section 9-108(b) waivers by the State Board on grounds that the Unions were denied the opportunity to participate in the waiver application process, and also of the Circuit Court's decision that the State Board appropriately denied Midtown Academy's application for waivers of Section 4-103(a) and 6-201. [read post]