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29 Dec 2017, 7:34 am by Ben
Does Disney's $52.4 billion acquisition of 21st Century Fox give the combined content and broadcasting behemoth a chance of competing with Netflix or Amazon Prime? [read post]
3 May 2016, 2:41 pm by Rebecca Tushnet
What I hear is that it’s perfect or that it’s a second-best and any tinkering will upset parties. [read post]
8 Apr 2019, 8:10 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Carey National Music Publishers' Association: BMG v. [read post]
16 Jun 2016, 2:48 pm by Kevin LaCroix
No firm can boast of perfect cybersecurity, mistakes will always happen, so Morgan Stanley’s response, the key to analyzing any cybersecurity related incident, is what matters most. [read post]