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21 Feb 2008, 2:10 am
Medtronic:New York Times;Drug and Device Law;InjuryBoard;Jacob Goldstein @ WSJ HealthBlog;Finch McCranie;Ron MillerEd Silverman @ PharmalotTed Frank @ Point of Law;Michael Krauss @ Point of Law;Peter Pitts @ DrugWonks; Amanda @ The Pop Tort;Michael Shaloub @ Medical Devices, Law, Trends and OdditiesThe posts keep piling up...some more ....Wake of Reigel - medical device complaint amended to add claims that FDA was misled (Steve Vahidi @ Medical Devices, Law, Trend and Oddities … [read post]
21 Oct 2011, 6:47 am by Christy Unger
In his sentencing memorandum, Friedman noted the sentence of another person convicted of the exact same offense — involving the same $5000 bribe to the same code official — who received a sentence of three-years’ probation.Summary by Ron Krauss [read post]
8 Jun 2009, 4:40 pm
Patrick beat me to the punch today talking about how Ed Whelan of NRO outed the anonymous blogger Publius at Obsidian Wings. [read post]