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8 Oct 2019, 9:30 am by Howard Knopf
This was set forth in the landmark 1984 decision of the United States Supreme Court in Universal v. [read post]
8 Oct 2019, 4:15 am by Eileen McDermott
Justices Breyer, Kavanaugh, Ginsburg and Gorsuch and Chief Justice Roberts were among the most active questioners of Malcolm Stewart, representing the government of the United States, and Morgan Chu of Irell & Manella, representing NantKwest, during yesterday’s oral argument in Peter v. [read post]
7 Oct 2019, 3:54 pm by Ronald Mann
The first morning of the term showed a welcome moment of camaraderie on the bench, as justices from both sides of the ideological spectrum seemed to join in their skepticism of the government’s position in Peter v. [read post]
26 Sep 2019, 8:12 am by Kalvis Golde
Imprecision aside, Justice Potter Stewart, who joined the majority in Furman, boldly predicted that “the death penalty in the United States was finished. [read post]
25 Sep 2019, 5:41 pm by Richard Hunt
The 11th Circuit has said the same thing in an ADA employment case, Stewart v. [read post]
18 Sep 2019, 6:38 am by MBettman
At issue in this case is whether the Supreme Court of Ohio should update and clarify its attorney fee jurisprudence by adopting the United States Supreme Court’s guidance in Perdue v. [read post]
5 Sep 2019, 12:49 am by CMS
Aidan O’Neill QC argues that following the case of Andy Wightman MSP and others v Secretary of State for Exiting the EU it is clear that the Article 50 notification can be withdrawn at any time. [read post]