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17 Mar 2014, 7:38 am by Brian Leiter
Philosopher Samir Chopra (Brooklyn/CUNY) has a rather lengthy essay about the controversy here. [read post]
25 Aug 2010, 10:16 am by legalinformatics
Professor Samir Chopra of the Brooklyn College Department of Philosophy has published Rights for Autonomous Artificial Agents? [read post]
16 Mar 2012, 6:55 am by Brian Leiter
Philospoher Samir Chopra (Brooklyn College) comments. [read post]
28 Feb 2018, 8:05 am by Brian Leiter
This is a nicely written essay by philosopher Samir Chopra (Brooklyn College). [read post]
14 Feb 2012, 3:36 am by Lawrence Solum
Over at Concurring Opinions, I have a post entitled Artificial Agents, Zombies, and Legal Personhood in an online symposium on A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents, by Samir Chopra and Laurence F. [read post]
3 Nov 2010, 6:20 am by David Post
(David Post) Though faithful readers of the VC will realize that my fondest wishes will come true only when someone explains how my book (on Thomas Jefferson and the Internet) really explains the world of soccer, I’m pretty happy with the connections Samir Chopra draws, over at ESPN, with the world of cricket . . . [read post]
20 Feb 2012, 4:06 pm by Kenneth Anderson
(Kenneth Anderson) For the philosophically-inclined, the Concurring Opinions blog has an excellent roundtable discussion of a new book, A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents, by Samir Chopra and Laurence F. [read post]
1 Aug 2008, 5:25 pm
The library just received a new book called Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free and Open Source Software, by Samir Chopra and Scott D. [read post]
13 Feb 2012, 3:28 pm by Patrick S. O'Donnell
I wanted to alert our readers to an intriguing online symposium that has begun today* at Concurring Opinions (although the announced schedule was February 14—16) on Samir Chopra and Laurence F. [read post]
15 Feb 2012, 12:55 pm by Ryan Calo
Samir Chopra—whom I consider to be something of a pioneer in thinking through the philosophic and legal issues around artificial intelligence—did not much care for my initial thoughts about his and Lawrence White’s new book, A Legal Theory For Autonomous Agents. [read post]
8 Feb 2012, 7:43 am by Frank Pasquale
On February 14-16, we will host an online symposium on A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents, by Samir Chopra and Laurence White. [read post]
13 Feb 2012, 10:59 am by Sonia Katyal
I am simply delighted to be taking part in this symposium, and extend a great deal of thanks to Frank Pasquale, the editors at Concurring opinions—and of course, most important, Samir Chopra and Laurence White for writing such an excellent, thought-provoking piece of work. [read post]
14 Feb 2012, 3:00 pm by Ramesh Subramanian
Thank you, Samir Chopra and Lawrence White for writing this extremely thought-provoking book! [read post]
13 Feb 2012, 7:37 pm by Frank Pasquale
As noted last week, we are hosting an online symposium on A Legal Theory for Autonomous Artificial Agents, by Samir Chopra and Laurence White. [read post]