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4 Aug 2019, 1:26 pm by Bill Marler
Contaminated pork also accounts for numerous foodborne Salmonella infections in the United States.[5] The 2015 annual report on foodborne illnesses in the U.S., published by CDC, revealed that pork meat was the second most important source of foodborne Salmonella outbreaks.[6] In pork meat, pigs and swine, and the swine farm environment, the prevalence of Salmonella is 39.6%, 17.7%, and 7.9%, respectively.[7] Cargill, Inc., the largest private corporation in the United… [read post]
16 Apr 2019, 2:33 am by Patti Waller
E. coliO157:H7 is one of thousands of serotypes Escherichia coli.[1] The combination of letters and numbers in the name of the E. coli O157:H7 refers to the specific antigens (proteins which provoke an antibody response) found on the body and tail or flagellum[2] respectively and distinguish it from other types of E. coli.[3] Most serotypes of E. coli are harmless and live as normal flora in the intestines of healthy humans and animals.[4]  The E. coli bacterium is among the most… [read post]
2 Nov 2018, 7:33 am by Smith Eibeler LLC
” Last month the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision of a California District Court Judge’s in the case John Doe I, et. al. v. [read post]