March 2022 International Trade Top Blawgs
Summarizes and translates decisions of the US Supreme Court (and occasionally the California Supreme Court) which may be of interest to Swiss legal professionals.
Provides news and analysis of outsourcing, insourcing and beyond. By Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.
Covers international trade and public policy.
Covers the intersection of customs law and asset seizures, with a particular focus on reporting on news of U.S. Customs & Border Protection currency seizures from international travelers for failure to report, bulk cash smuggling, or structuring.
Covers developments and scholarship in the field of international economic law and policy. By Joel Trachtman and Simon Lester.
Edited by Alison Peck.
By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Covers trade and export financing. By Sullivan & Worcester.
Covers the developments in arbitration and contract law in India and elsewhere.
Covers international commercial law in the European Union. By M D M Studio Legale.
Covers laws which regulates actions or events that transcend national frontiers, including human rights, environmental law, immigration, intellectual property and space law. By Derek Deavenport, John Dermody, Travis Hodgkins and Christine Ngo.
Covers antitrust, privacy, international trade, and white color criminal defense. By Reed Smith.
Covers American customs law and international trade law. By Lawrence Friedman.
Covers European Union law, including antitrust, conflicts of law, criminal law, environment, free movement, fundamental rights, privacy, product liability, and trade.