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22 May 2019, 6:52 pm by MOTP
`Michael' Pruneda, Jr., Rolando Quintana, for Elmer DeGuzman, Yolanda Lopez, Richard Wecker and Sheryl Hamer, Respondents.Alfred John Harper, III, Arrissa K. [read post]
11 May 2019, 11:47 am by MOTP
Wells Fargo, the Court approved and enforced a contractual waiver of the 2-year statute of limitations applicable to deficiency claims, and judicially substituted the four-year statute of limitations generally applicable to suits on debt. [read post]
30 Apr 2019, 8:54 am by Josh Blackman
” The third element is also true, if in fact a “corrupt” action is “inconsistent with the official duty”: if the Constitution does not give the president the power to do X, then Congress can pass a statute that prevents the president from doing X. [read post]
16 Apr 2019, 2:33 am by Patti Waller
It is for this precise reason that the USDA has repeatedly rejected calls from the meat industry to hold consumers primarily responsible for E. coli O157:H7 infections caused, in part, by mistakes in food handling or cooking.[43] Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome E. coli O157:H7 infections can lead to a severe, life-threatening complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome (“HUS”).[44] HUS accounts for the majority of the acute and chronic illness and death caused by the bacteria.[45] HUS occurs… [read post]
8 Apr 2019, 9:47 pm by Bill Marler
This included residents of Arizona (4), California (5), Florida (2), Illinois (1), Massachusetts (1), Maryland (1), Missouri (1), New Jersey (1), Oregon (11), Virginia (2), Washington (2), and Wisconsin (1). [read post]
1 Apr 2019, 12:12 pm by Christine Corcos
Does it point out one more sort of law, or does it designate an autonomous kind of law, with its own features and not reducible to the law? [read post]
1 Apr 2019, 12:12 pm
Does it point out one more sort of law, or does it designate an autonomous kind of law, with its own features and not reducible to the law? [read post]
13 Feb 2019, 10:56 am by Daniel Shaviro
Suppose initially that everyone has the same (1) "ability" or wage rate, (2) preferences, and indeed (3) labor income. [read post]
25 Nov 2018, 10:50 am by Brian M. Krause, Esq.
The End Demand Illinois campaign raises awareness about the role that purchasers (often referred to as “johns”), pimps, and traffickers play in perpetuating violence against women in the sex trade. [read post]
11 Nov 2018, 1:51 pm
By using a separate will for the closely held companies, there may be significant savings if the will does not need to be probated.In Re Milne Estate, the Court considered wills made by two spouses, John Douglas Milne, and Sheilah Marlyn Milne, who both died on October 2, 2017. [read post]
5 Nov 2018, 3:21 am by Peter Mahler
The statute does not require the electing shareholder to own any minimum percentage of the corporation’s shares. [read post]