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20 Feb 2019, 2:13 pm
Supreme Court Rule 37 The Michigan Supreme Court promulgated Rule 37 in 1961, which was restated in General Court Rule (GCR) 1963, 516.5, as follows: “Judges of courts of record in which condemnation proceedings have been instituted shall advise the jury or commissioners on questions of law and admissibility of evidence. [read post]
20 Dec 2011, 4:11 pm
I am also an attorney with a practice including First Amendment issues, though I do not blog to promote my professional work. [read post]
4 Jul 2011, 7:16 pm
Corresponding Amendments to Rules of Appellate, Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Family Law Rules of Procedure, and Probate Rules: Rule 2.425 impacts just about every Florida litigator, and a large number of Rules in various practice areas are being amended to conform to it. [read post]
14 May 2012, 8:24 am
Of course, the Pennsylvania case law in the 1980? [read post]
4 Jul 2011, 7:16 pm
Corresponding Amendments to Rules of Appellate, Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Family Law Rules of Procedure, and Probate Rules: Rule 2.425 impacts just about every Florida litigator, and a large number of Rules in various practice areas are being amended to conform to it. [read post]
Appellate Court Shuts Out Trial Court in CEQA/ESA Double Header under Deferential Standard of Review
3 Apr 2014, 11:08 am
Both federal and state environmental review were necessitated for the project, however the appellate court only reviewed the relevant state law issues. [read post]
16 Mar 2022, 7:39 pm
And indeed, sometimes a bad decision in a court produces a substantially good consequences in the arena of politics (theory discussed in Backer, Chroniclers in the Field of Cultural Production: Courts, Law, and the Interpretive Process Boston College Third World Law Journal 20:291-343 (2000). [read post]
2 Oct 2019, 10:21 am
However, Louisiana has a non-unanimous verdict law and so a guilty verdict was entered against petitioner and he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. [read post]
9 Mar 2023, 5:51 am
” This was an unfortunate practical result, because the Executive branch interpretation is not persuasive. [read post]
CANADA - Results by design: the artefactual construction of high recidivism rates for sex offenders.
17 Apr 2008, 2:21 am
For example, Roger Hood, Stephen Shute, Martina Feilzer, and Aidan Wilcox (2002) found that only 7% of those released from prison for a sex offence were re-convicted for another sex offence within four years. [read post]
8 Jan 2023, 6:30 am
One is particular to those of us who view ourselves as specialists on American constitutional law. [read post]
18 Oct 2023, 12:44 pm
Of course, the reason why Low allegedly wanted to funnel money to the Obama re-election campaign was immaterial. [read post]
19 Feb 2021, 11:47 am
He was graduated from Temple School of Medicine in 1937, and went into family practice, at the age of 22. [read post]
22 Jan 2012, 8:31 pm
” As expert as Gingrich might be at practicing the politics of grievance—and he’s a master—the former Speaker can’t hold a candle to campus “diversity” advocates, who all but originated the tactic. [read post]
23 Jan 2007, 4:02 pm
Does 1-16, was denied on the ground that there was no lawful rationale for proceeding ex parte, rather than on notice to (a) the students, and (b) the university.Legal challenges to ex parte discovery procedure.The ex parte discovery process is being challenged in the Boston University case, in Boston, Massachusetts, where a motion to quash and vacate has been made in Arista v. [read post]
17 Mar 2014, 5:28 am
” The majority declined to hold that every actor has a copyright in his/her performance in a movie (though of course, given the few seconds Garcia is on screen, it is in practice so holding). [read post]
10 Mar 2007, 4:44 pm
That all three players passed polygraph examinations administered by highly respected law enforcement figures gives added weight to their statements. 2.) [read post]
5 Oct 2015, 8:14 am
Unpublished works were protected by state law (common-law copyright), which provided a right of first publication. [read post]
17 Jan 2019, 2:07 pm
Bollinger, O’Connor wrote the majority opinion that was joined in full by Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer, which upheld the University of Michigan Law School’s use of racial preferences in admissions decisions. [read post]
24 Jun 2013, 8:55 am
Those malpractice cases, which can be settled with no admission of wrongdoing, account for no more than a fraction of cases in which people got surgery that wasn’t needed, and there’s no way to know the total number. [read post]