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24 Aug 2012, 8:27 am
Clark, Thurgood Marshall: Warrior at the Bar, Rebel on the Bench (1994) Carl T. [read post]
27 Feb 2018, 12:12 pm
Carl H. [read post]
13 Apr 2011, 3:35 pm
I was amazed (and impressed) when US Uncut spokesperson Carl Gibson answered the phone. [read post]
29 Feb 2012, 4:23 am
" Webcast: "Conduct of the Annual Meeting" Tune in tomorrow for the webcast - "Conduct of the Annual Meeting" - to hear Kathy Gibson of Campbell Soup, Carl Hagberg of The Shareholder Service Optimizer, Bob Lamm of Pfizer, Barbara Mathews of Edison International and Carol Ward of Kraft Foods explain how they handle the many challenges of running an annual shareholders meeting. [read post]
10 Feb 2008, 10:38 am
Carl Kubicek, a math teacher and football coach at Pitman High School, and Officer Jorge Cruz were arrested, Turlock Police Chief Gary Hampton said.Kubicek and Cruz didn't know each other, police said. [read post]
8 Jul 2011, 8:16 am
Then came Arby’s, followed shortly by Carl Jr. and other inferior brands of fast food. [read post]
13 Aug 2008, 5:33 pm
Family Court J Kenneth Pollock - 23.59% Lisa Kent - 34.81 Morrisa Schechtman - 12.87 Michele Mercer - 14.70 Jamie Kent 14.03 Family Court K Nicholas Del Vecchio - 23.16% Cynthia Guiliani - 31.29 Vincent Ochoa 32.34 Ellen Bezian - 13.21 Family Court N John Jensen - 30.58% Gayle Nathan - 36.29 Mathew Harter - 33.12 Family Court O Frank Sullivan - 32.85% Ron Israel - 36.90 Rebecca Wallace - 30.25 Family Court Q Bryce Duckworth - 28.69% Thomas Kurtz - 20.57 Allan Bray - 17.18 Tony Liker - 9.38… [read post]
31 Jul 2009, 3:58 am
District Court judge Friday morning. ...Stuart Gibson, a Justice Department tax division attorney, didn't detail the settlement in a conference call with Judge Alan Gold that included lawyers for UBS and the Swiss government.A hearing scheduled for Monday in Miami was postponed until Aug. 10, at which point more details are expected to be released. [read post]
16 Apr 2010, 8:52 am
One awesome tale from that interview is that she was in the president’s study at the White House for the deposition by Ken Starr (who did his private practice turns at Kirkland & Ellis and Gibson Dunn) in the Paula Jones matter. [read post]
29 Jan 2010, 9:45 am
There are a lot more conservatives vying to get a bit of Ted Olson's time [at Gibson]. [read post]
13 Jun 2010, 12:03 pm
Carl Icahn’s hostile takeover bid for Lions Gate studios. [read post]
13 Jun 2010, 1:22 pm
Carl Icahn’s hostile takeover bid for Lions Gate studios. [read post]
3 Feb 2008, 10:32 am
Nevada Supreme Court: Seat D - Mark Gibbons, Thomas Christensen Seat B - Don Chairez, Deborah Schumacher, Mary "Kris" Pickering, Nancy Allf Clark County District Court Judges Uncontested District Court Dept. 1 - Ken Cory District Court Dept. 2 - Valorie Vega District Court Dept. 3 - Douglas Herndon District Court Dept. 4 - Kathy Hardcastle District Court Dept. 5 - Jackie Glass District Court Dept. 9 - Jennifer Togliatti District Court Dept. 11 - Betsy Gonzalez District Court Dept. 13 -… [read post]
7 Jan 2013, 11:38 am
See Carl Gibson, Cut Corporate Welfare, Not the Safety Net, HuffPost Politics (Jan. 7, 2013). [read post]
6 Jan 2008, 11:40 am
Court Dept. 25 Amy Mastin, Family Court G Greta Muirhead, Family Court I Jamie Kent, Family Court J Rebecca Wallace, Family Court O Carl Piazza, Family Court Dept. [read post]
13 Dec 2006, 7:17 pm
Bowers, Frederick Boyce, Chris Boyd, Heather Boyer, Kent Boyer, Dennis Boyle, Carl Brackpool, Jon Bradley, Darin Brannan, Aaron Bratrude, Rich Braun, Michael Breault, John Brehm, Chuck Brennan, Craig Brenner, Will Briegel, Ludy Brito, Paul Chandler Britton, Jeannine Broadwell, David Brogden, Sean Brophy, Brady Brosnahan, David Brouda, Hilary Brown, Kayenta Brown, Matthew Brown, Monika Brown, Roger L. [read post]
21 Oct 2016, 1:00 am
Long, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 Tags: Banks, Broker-dealers, Commodities, Derivatives, Disclosure, Federal Reserve, Financial institutions, Financial regulation, Reporting regulation, Risk, Securities regulation, Systemic risk Navigating A New Management-Board Relationship Posted by Mark B. [read post]
17 Sep 2010, 12:14 pm
Activist investors such as Carl Icahn will not be able to make use of the rule because of the holding period. [read post]
15 Jul 2012, 6:07 am
Hawthorne, CA: Carl and Dennis and Brian. [read post]
1 May 2016, 7:06 pm
[See this article that I co-authored with Carl Hittinger on the private-attorney general purpose of class actions.] [read post]