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26 Nov 2012, 9:44 am by Ben Vernia
The ornaments embraced models of Honesty, virtue and Sobriety, while the piece De Resistance was a miniature temple of Justice. [read post]
1 May 2009, 5:29 pm
  The forming stage, even among lawyers, can be marked by tentative and polite accommodation. [read post]
30 Sep 2010, 6:49 pm by Dan Filler
John's William & Mary Jason Solomon from Georgia Wisconsin Jonathan Lipson from Temple [read post]
9 Apr 2018, 3:32 am by INFORRM
Events 23 March 2018, Joining The Circle: capturing the zeitgeist of ‘Big Tech’ companies, social media speech and privacy, Inner Temple, London, Wednesday 23 May 2018. [read post]
17 Apr 2015, 10:25 am by Eric Goldman
This marked the second time that the FTC had looked at our advertising practices and ended its inquiry without further action. * Now the FTC’s position is that offering consumers a discount if they leave a review is deceptive? [read post]
2 Jun 2009, 5:00 am
See Mark Herrmann, "Thermtron Revisited: When and How Federal Trial Court Remand Orders are Reviewable," 19 Ariz. [read post]
3 Aug 2010, 9:29 am by David Lat
” I recognized, of course, that the government trying to stop the Islamic center — when it probably wouldn’t stop, say, a Catholic church or a Buddhist temple on the same site — would raise problems under the First Amendment. [read post]
13 Feb 2012, 8:29 am by Raffaela Wakeman
Over the weekend, Dina Temple-Raston discussed the decisionmaking process in the U.S. for deciding which terrorist suspects should be tried in military commissions versus federal courts on NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday. [read post]
20 Dec 2009, 8:22 pm
Sinai (where the Torah--likened to light--was delivered), and of the Second Temple's restoration and rededication in 164 BCE. [read post]
30 Apr 2023, 9:05 pm by Dan Flynn
On the same day, Esteban with backup from Sandra Eskin, Deputy Under Secretary, OFS, Paul Kiecker, Administrator, FSIS; Terri Nintemann, Deputy Administrator, FSIS; Jeremy Todd Reed, Chief Operating Officer, FSIS; Atiya Khan, Chief of Staff, OFS; Karen Hunter, Chief of Staff, FSIS; Mark Williams, Deputy Chief of Staff, FSIS; Robert Witte, Deputy Chief of Staff, FSIS; and FSIS Assistant Administrators, met in separate virtual gatherings with both consumer and industry representatives. [read post]
7 Mar 2010, 10:18 am by Gary L. Francione
Understand in this manner, veganism is no different than cage-free eggs or meat produced from a slaughterhouse designed by PETA-award winner Temple Grandin. [read post]
5 Sep 2010, 6:12 am by Lawrence B. Ebert
Whyte has a B.F.A. from Temple University. [read post]
18 Dec 2009, 12:10 am
 Below is the Arno Peters map , which, as Sirius Bark of Temple 3 explains "isn’t perfect (every map (and rule) creates some distortion), but . . . does address some of the overall size distortions which dominate our more well-known Mercator projections" (emphasis and hyperlinks added): [read post]
11 Jul 2017, 1:44 pm by Cathy
It was surrounded by a few other Jewish establishments, including a theater, restaurant, cultural center, and Kosher store in the basement of the temple. [read post]
29 Sep 2022, 10:05 pm by Jeff Richardson
Mark Spooneuer of Tom's Guides explains and shows that the iPhone 14 Pro's 48 MP camera is astonishingly good. [read post]
15 Feb 2024, 11:54 am by Yosi Yahoudai
(Photo by Mark Rabinowitch) Host Sheryl Strich interviews longtime Laguna Woods couple Dennis and Evette Glauber for a special Valentine’s program of her Village TV show “How We Met. [read post]
13 Apr 2018, 4:10 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
, 153 AD3d at 679 [internal quotation marks omitted]; see Smallberg v Raich Ende Malter & Co., LLP, 140 AD3d 942, 944). [read post]