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13 Feb 2013, 9:38 am by U.S.P.T.O.
The resulting ex parte reexamination, which will address each and every substantial new question identified, will substantially be conducted according to the rules and procedures associated with ex parte reexamination. [read post]
8 Aug 2006, 9:20 am
I will be appearing on Court TV's Nancy Grace tomorrow from 3 - 5 PM to discuss the case of The State of Nevada v. [read post]
8 Oct 2010, 11:47 am by Dwight Sullivan
CAAF today stayed NMCCA’s order for a DuBay hearing to explore alleged ex parte communications affecting a previous DuBay hearing in the capital Parker case. [read post]
22 Sep 2010, 3:09 pm by Gene Quinn
One proposal being considered is a fast-track ex parte reexamination voucher pilot program to create incentives for technologies and licensing behavior that address humanitarian needs. [read post]
4 Oct 2022, 2:12 pm by Hyemin Han
The U.S. made only one ex gratia payment: for the death of a civilian in an airstrike in Herat, Afghanistan on Jan. 8, 2021. [read post]
15 Jul 2010, 2:10 am by John L. Welch
That is what happened here.The determination of opposer's compliance with the signature requirement was an ex part examination issue addressed during prosecution. [read post]
19 Dec 2009, 7:20 am
A valid ex parte order of protection was served on defendant away from his house, but defendant could not show that it was for the purpose of keeping him from objecting to the search under Randolph. [read post]
15 Nov 2006, 8:35 am
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, that State's highest court in criminal cases, holds that President Bush was powerless to force the Texas judiciary to disregard its rules of procedural default to consider on the merits a Mexican death row inmate's Article 36 Vienna Convention claim: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals today issued its ruling in Ex Parte Jose Ernesto Medellin. [read post]
17 Jan 2009, 7:20 am
Does 1-22, without getting its "ex parte discovery order".We have learned of it dropping another "John Doe" case, this one in Greensboro, North Carolina, targeting students at NC State and UNC Charlotte, again without getting its "ex parte discovery order", BMG Music v. [read post]
16 Mar 2011, 9:48 pm by Clifford D. Hyra
However, trademark examinations are ex parte- strictly between the applicant and the Examining Attorney assigned to the application. [read post]
27 Dec 2011, 3:21 pm
Shortly after filing its answer, which alleged in part that the '626 patent was invalid, on November 2, 2011, Bam filed a request for an ex part reexamination of the '626 patent. [read post]
26 May 2007, 2:57 pm
In Ex Parte Board of Trustees/ Directors and/or Deacons of Old Elam Baptist Church, 2007 Ala. [read post]
4 Feb 2013, 5:19 pm by Gregory J. Brodzik
Special Master Seitz therefore concluded that “the information at issue would likely not be considered by the USPTO if [defendants] submitted it as part of a request for an ex parte reexamination,” and thus defendants’ “stated need to submit [the] information to the USPTO should be given little weight. [read post]