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11 Jun 2008, 12:49 am
(Note: Kidmate was reviewed by Stephen Harhai in Family Advocate, Vol. 20, No. 3.) [read post]
4 Jun 2016, 10:02 pm
Orville Freeman put in 8 years for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. [read post]
26 May 2017, 6:33 am
Pritchard, University of Michigan, and Stephen J. [read post]
25 Jan 2012, 4:02 pm
Justice Stephen G. [read post]
2 Jul 2024, 8:18 pm
Her ode to judicial supremacy would have been welcomed by Stephen Douglas and Roger Taney. [read post]
1 Jun 2008, 10:01 pm
(Note: Kidmate was reviewed by Stephen Harhai in Family Advocate, Vol. 20, No. 3.) [read post]
9 Apr 2014, 7:37 pm
john a. powell & Stephen Menendian More Than Just Race: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City William Julius Wilson Tensions Among Minority Groups Symposium with S.M. [read post]
12 May 2008, 2:37 pm
Ryan, P.L.L.C., and Stephen M. [read post]
27 Apr 2021, 7:30 am
Stephens, David S. [read post]
3 Feb 2022, 7:58 pm
Justices Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer are very skilled at this stratagem. [read post]
18 Feb 2009, 1:11 am
Stephens United Methodist Church, 329 S.C. 433, 441, 494 S.E.2d 827, 831 (Ct. [read post]
27 May 2016, 8:00 am
Johnson v. [read post]
13 Sep 2024, 6:47 am
., ConocoPhillips and a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. [read post]
19 Apr 2018, 12:38 pm
The Supreme Court on Tuesday affirmed a decision by Judge Stephen Reinhardt, the “liberal lion of the [U.S. [read post]
15 Oct 2013, 2:04 pm
It was held in the case of Matter of Johnson that it would violate the attorney-client privilege to compel counsel, while the client is alive, to state whether the client had executed a will or to deliver a draft of a will that had not been executed or notes that had been made during a conversation with the client concerning the preparation of a will. [read post]
3 May 2022, 6:30 am
Thurgood Marshall, named by Johnson in 1967, would turn out to be the last Democratic nominee for a full quarter century, and then Bill Clinton got only two appointments in his eight years of office (as did Barack Obama). [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 6:46 pm
Dempsey m2dempsey Villanova Stephen Diamond StephenFDiamond Santa Clara Darby Dickerson darbydickerson Texas Tech Amy Dillard adillard Baltimore Jim Dimitri profdimitri Indiana John DiPippa jmdipippa Arkansas-Little Rock Scott Dodson ProfDodson Hastings Randy Dryer medialawguy Utah Mary Dudziak marydudziak Emory Joel Eisen joeleisen Richmond Atiba Ellis atibaellis West Virginia Mairead Enright maireadenright Kent (UK) Jonathan Ezor ProfJonathan Touro Dave Fagundes Dave_Fagundes Soutwestern… [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am
Brown DorothyABrown Emory Kara Bruce ProfessorKBruce Toledo Matthew Bruckner Prof_Bruckner Howard Sam Brunson smbrnsn Loyola Chicago Ryan Bubb ryan_bubb NYU Neil Buchanan NeilHBuchanan George Washington Trevor Buck trevbuck De Montfort U (UK) Alafair Burke alafairburke Hofstra Beth Burkstrand-Reid beth_burkstrand Nebraska Kylie Burns snailsinbottles Griffith (Australia) Sarah Burstein design_law Oklahoma Michael Burstein mburstein Cardozo Naomi Cahn NaomiCahn George Washington… [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am
Brown DorothyABrown Emory Kara Bruce ProfessorKBruce Toledo Matthew Bruckner Prof_Bruckner Howard Sam Brunson smbrnsn Loyola Chicago Ryan Bubb ryan_bubb NYU Neil Buchanan NeilHBuchanan George Washington Trevor Buck trevbuck De Montfort U (UK) Alafair Burke alafairburke Hofstra Beth Burkstrand-Reid beth_burkstrand Nebraska Kylie Burns snailsinbottles Griffith (Australia) Sarah Burstein design_law Oklahoma Naomi Cahn NaomiCahn George Washington Gillian Calder gilliancalder Victoria Stephen… [read post]
19 Jun 2015, 12:13 pm
This version of Johnson v. [read post]