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31 Aug 2017, 11:16 am by Michael Keating
In addition, he is the Chair of the Bicycle Litigation Group for the American Association for Justice, the nation's largest trial lawyers organization. [read post]
27 Feb 2017, 8:34 am by Nancy Yaffe
  It was one of the first significant employment laws signed by Arnold Schwarzenegger when he became California governor (and yes, that is ironic given the allegations against him). [read post]
11 May 2009, 6:32 pm
Lamb of Valorem Law Group at his blog, In Search of Perfect Client Service Employers Should Be Aware of H1N1 and its Impact on the Workplace - Des Moines attorney Patrick Smith of Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave on his Iowa Employment Law Blog Please Don't Make This Mistake - Burbank lawyer Adrianos Facchetti on his California Defamation Law Blog IPOs are coming -- or so I am told - Boston attorney Dave Broadwin of… [read post]
18 Jan 2025, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  Second, the constitutional change should be gradual and incremental in a manner analogous to the evolution of the common law. [read post]
5 Sep 2017, 1:25 pm by Altman & Altman
Fowler had already been previously told by an HR rep that, were she punished for such actions, “it wouldn’t be retaliation if I received a negative review later because I had been ‘given an option’” to leave her group, or Uber entirely. [read post]
16 Aug 2010, 12:00 am
For interviews, please contact Nancy Fowler Larson at (314) 935-5251 or until Jessica Martin returns Sept. 7, 2010. [read post]
26 Aug 2009, 11:55 am by Christina D. Frangiosa
Fowler, “Tech's Heavyweights Put Google's Books Deal In Crosshairs,” Wall Street Journal, Aug. 21, 2009, at B1.It is also being investigated by the Department of Justice as a potential antitrust violation. [read post]
22 Dec 2009, 6:39 am by Simon Fodden
Most Important Trend in Law-related Blogging – Tie: Group Blogs and Microblogging [read post]
29 Nov 2010, 4:33 pm by Colin O'Keefe
. - Florida lawyer Santiago Cueto of Cueto Law Group on his blog International Business Law Advisor Signed or Recorded Verbatim Statements of Independent Witnesses are Potential Evidence - California discovery referee Kathy Gallo on her blog, Resolving Discovery Disputes The DOL's Lawyer Referral Arrangement with ABA Not Likely to Help Employers or Employees - Des Moines attorney Patrick Smith of Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave on… [read post]
15 May 2024, 6:29 am by centerforartlaw
Museum Initiated Repatriation at the Fowler Museum The Fowler Museum at UCLA; a display describing provenance research on the Wellcome Collection. [read post]
15 May 2024, 6:29 am by centerforartlaw
Museum Initiated Repatriation at the Fowler Museum The Fowler Museum at UCLA; a display describing provenance research on the Wellcome Collection. [read post]
6 Jun 2024, 6:06 am
Dickinson, Bradshaw, Fowler & Hagen, P.C. has been ranked as one of the top firms in Iowa by Chambers USA in its annual survey, America’s Leading Lawyers for Business 2024. [read post]
31 May 2018, 8:40 am by Stephen Wermiel
Initially this was because he believed it was the proper role for justices to speak largely through their opinions or sometimes through speeches to bar groups, law schools and universities. [read post]
13 Jan 2013, 4:09 pm by INFORRM
Lord Fowler criticised the government’s plans for a media regulator backed by Royal Charter, while Lord Lester was concerned about Lord Justice Leveson’s suggestion to extend the law on exemplary damages by Act of Parliament. [read post]
2 Mar 2020, 3:58 pm by Admin
My longtime law partner, Larry Fowler, and I joined Harris Cook together. [read post]
23 Jan 2007, 6:31 am
A group of political scientists (James Fowler, Timothy Johnson, James Spriggs, Sangick Jeon, and Paul Wahlbeck) have posted a new article on SSRN entitled "Network Analysis and the Law: Measuring the Legal Importance of Supreme Court Precedents," which is available here. [read post]