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14 Feb 2014, 9:35 am by Ronald Collins
Herman Pritchett, whose book The Roosevelt Court (1948) started the so-called “behavioral revolution” in the study of the Supreme Court by focusing on Justices’ voting alignments and disagreement rates. [read post]
20 Aug 2020, 3:33 am by Schachtman
”[4] Later in the UNESCO report, Fisher’s objections are described as the same as those of Herman Joseph Muller, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1946, The report provides Fisher’s objections in his own words: “As you ask for remarks and suggestions, there is one that occurs to me, unfortunately of a somewhat fundamental nature, namely that the Statement as it stands appears to draw a distinction between the body and mind of men, which must, I think, prove… [read post]
23 Nov 2011, 8:41 am by davidmginsberg
I just could not bring myself to watch and write a blog on the first half of the debate as this took so long and it was already late at night In general, this was a really bad debate because, as is usually the case, instead of answering the specific question they were asked, almost without exception, the candidates talked about something that either had occurred when they were in office or for legislation which they had supported at some time long ago. [read post]
13 Oct 2022, 6:05 am by Joseph Margulies
A recent account of Russian torture caught my eye. [read post]
8 Jul 2016, 7:23 am by Ronald Collins
Question: There have been other books on the Burger Court — books written by Tinsley Yarbrough and ones edited by the likes of Vincent Blasi, Charles Lamb and Stephen Halpern, and Herman Schwartz. [read post]