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16 Dec 2016, 2:11 pm
Or will we find ourselves worse off and wishing we could say, “You’re fired”? [read post]
10 Aug 2009, 2:34 am
Law enforcement personnel must demonstrate respect, sensitivity, and support and take great care to minimize the potential for inadvertently re-traumatizing victims during the course of the investigation (Woods, 2008). [read post]
1 May 2008, 10:12 pm
"We should have had a public meeting to say, 'This is what we're considering,' and then let the community decide. [read post]
2 May 2008, 2:49 am
"We should have had a public meeting to say, 'This is what we're considering,' and then let the community decide. [read post]
3 May 2010, 9:30 pm by admin
Smith Distributing Company, Inc. entered into an agreement with the U.S. [read post]
10 May 2010, 1:16 pm by admin
Most of the communities served by the drinking water treatment plants that will be upgraded under the agreement are in low income communities. [read post]
4 Feb 2007, 11:59 pm
Firm Challenges New Attorney Ad Rules New York Law Journal A high-volume, heavy-advertising New York personal injury law firm and a Washington, D.C., advocacy group are apparently the first to challenge the new attorney advertising restrictions that took effect last week. [read post]
12 Dec 2019, 9:02 pm by Jim Sedor
Ernst of Iowa AP News – Brian Slodysko | Published: 12/6/2019 An outside group founded by top political aides to U.S. [read post]
27 Jul 2009, 7:18 am
G-2/08 (PatLit) MARQUES and other organisation take united position on the Cooperation Fund (Class 46) EU communication on future of competition law framework for motor vehicle sector (BLOG@IP::JUR) EU ‘Friends of the Presidency Group’ discussing non-agricultural geographic indications (BLOG@IP::JUR) Scents and sense – or perfumes for peanuts? [read post]
26 Sep 2008, 11:45 pm
You can separately subscribe to the IP Thinktank Global week in Review at the Subscribe page: [] Highlights this week included: WIPO General Assembly opens: New Director-General delivers acceptance speech (IPRoo) (IAM) (WIPO) (WIPO) (WIPO) (IPKat) (WIPO) (Intellectual Property Watch) (Intellectual Property Watch) (Managing Intellectual Property) (WIPO) (IP Menu News) CAFC: 'Point of novelty' design test thrown out; the value of amicus briefs: Egyptian Goddess,… [read post]
8 Mar 2010, 4:36 pm
United States (Copyright Litigation Blog) (Property, intangible)   US Trade Marks – Decisions Precedential No. 7: TTAB deems internet printouts admissible via notice of reliance: Safer, Inc v OMS Investments, Inc (TTABlog) TTAB vacates 2008 fraud ruling in Herbaceuticals, Inc v Xel Pharmaceuticals, Inc (TTABlog) TTAB affirms 2(d) refusal of CARMINE’S design for restaurant services in view of two other CARMINE’S designs: In re… [read post]
8 Mar 2010, 4:36 pm
United States (Copyright Litigation Blog) (Property, intangible)   US Trade Marks – Decisions Precedential No. 7: TTAB deems internet printouts admissible via notice of reliance: Safer, Inc v OMS Investments, Inc (TTABlog) TTAB vacates 2008 fraud ruling in Herbaceuticals, Inc v Xel Pharmaceuticals, Inc (TTABlog) TTAB affirms 2(d) refusal of CARMINE’S design for restaurant services in view of two other CARMINE’S designs: In re… [read post]
29 Jun 2009, 1:00 am
– Meeting, Geneva, 13 July (WIPO) Australia APO: No inventive step: Electrowatt Technology Innovation Corp v ABB Inc (IPRoo) American pop star Katy Perry sends cease and desist letter to Katie Perry clothing label (The IP Factor) IP Australia: Changes to the administrative instructions under the PCT – filing and processing sequence listings effective 1 July (IPRoo) PCT rule changes and other patents regulation changes (IPRoo) Amendments to Trade Marks Regulations… [read post]
28 May 2015, 9:03 am by WIMS
<> EPA Announces $54.3 Million to Assess and Clean Up Contaminated Sites, Revitalize Communities, Leverage Jobs and Promote Economic Redevelopment Nationwide - EPA announced today the selection of 243 new grant investments totaling $54.3 million to 147 communities across the U.S to provide communities with funding necessary to assess, clean up and redevelop contaminated properties, boost local economies and… [read post]
3 May 2020, 1:54 pm
Objects acquire meaning, signs and symbols point in certain directions, only when it is undertaken by community meaning makers. [read post]
3 Nov 2017, 11:24 am by Ben
You're violating copyright law. [read post]
12 May 2022, 8:58 am by Heather Szilagyi
This material includes, for example, evidence of what defendants said in social media and other communications prior to Jan. 6, and prosecutors’ allegations about defendants’ activities. [read post]
9 Nov 2009, 6:01 am
Doctors generally don't tell people that they're prescribing drugs pitched to them by pharmaceutical salespeople for unapproved treatments, says Peter Lurie, deputy medical director of Public Citizen, a Washington-based public interest group. [read post]