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11 Apr 2016, 10:47 am by Elina Saxena
The Wall Street Journal reports that “the Syrian regime, emboldened by battlefield victories, is pushing a political solution to end the war that keeps President Bashar al-Assad in power, in defiance of the agenda supported by Russia, his vital ally. [read post]
11 Apr 2016, 7:50 am by Jonathan H. Adler
” Other commentators were equally unimpressed with Diskant’s “bad argument,” including professors Christopher Walker, Eric Segall, and our own Orin Kerr. [read post]
19 Mar 2016, 8:09 am by Alex R. McQuade
In Sunday’s Foreign Policy Essay, Zack Cooper and Eric Lorber commented on sanctioning China by using statecraft to shape Chinese behavior. [read post]
1 Mar 2016, 3:39 am by Amy Howe
”  At ACSblog, Eric Segall argues that, unless the Court “is going to reverse current law and return the issue of abortion to the states, both Texas laws should be struck down and a signal sent to the rest of the country that sham anti-choice legislation passed for no purpose other than to make it harder for women to secure safe, affordable abortions will not be tolerated by our highest Court. [read post]
22 Feb 2016, 8:00 am by Ilya Somin
Eric Segall argues that predictions of originalism’s demise are misplaced because originalism never had any significant influence in the first place. [read post]
16 Feb 2016, 8:30 am by Mark Graber
  As Thomas Keck documents in THE MOST ACTIVISTSUPREME COURT IN HISTORY (see also Eric Segall’s fine piece in the Wake Forest Law Review), Scalia was among the least restrained justices who ever sat on the federal bench. [read post]
24 Jan 2016, 6:57 am
"Symposium on 'Invisible Justices'": Friday at "Dorf on Law," Eric Segall had a post that begins, "On February 11, the Georgia State University Law Review is hosting a comprehensive symposium on Supreme Court transparency. [read post]
22 Jan 2016, 6:13 am
Segal, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Tags: Boards of Directors, Change in control, Compensation disclosure, Compensation ratios, Dodd-Frank Act, Equity-based compensation, Executive Compensation, Executive turnover, Institutional Investors, ISS, Management, Mergers & acquisitions, Say on pay, Securities litigation, Securities Regulation, Shareholder activism, Shareholder suits, Taxation Political Values, Culture, and Corporate Litigation Posted… [read post]
22 Jan 2016, 3:42 am by Amy Howe
News, while commentary comes from Garrett Epps for The Atlantic and Eric Segall at ACSblog.Additional coverage of Tuesday’s argument in Heffernan v. [read post]
29 Dec 2015, 8:40 am by Ilya Somin
” The other participants are Erwin Chemerinsky (Dean, UC Irvine), Devon Wayne Carbado (UCLA), Brian Fitzpatrick (Vanderbilt), Nancy Leong (University of Denver), and Eric Segall (Georgia State University). [read post]
8 Dec 2015, 5:20 am by Howard Wasserman
I have no interest in wading into the morass over Judge Posner and Eric Segall's NYT op-ed suggesting that Justice Scalia believes that majoritarian religious preferences can trump minority rights--here is Corey Yung's effort, which began on Twitter. [read post]
3 Dec 2015, 5:26 am by Amy Howe
In an op-ed in The New York Times, Richard Posner and Eric Segall discuss recent remarks by Justice Antonin Scalia and conclude that the “logic of his position is that the Supreme Court should get out of the business of enforcing the Constitution altogether, for enforcing it overrides legislation, which is the product of elected officials, and hence of democracy. [read post]
2 Dec 2015, 3:36 pm
Since the Americans who participate in our democracy often think through political issues in minds imbued with religion, the results of the majoritarian process could — if you want to stretch and be inflammatory — be called a theocracy.To be fair, Posner and Segall only say that Justice Scalia's "political ideal verges on majoritarian theocracy. [read post]
20 Oct 2015, 5:13 am by Amy Howe
” In The Daily Beast, Eric Segall argues that the “Constitution itself has very little to do with most constitutional-law cases, and if the justices are going to exercise a strong power of judicial review, that reality is, indeed, a very good thing. [read post]
18 Oct 2015, 9:16 pm
"The Constitution Doesn't Matter to SCOTUS (and That's a Good Thing)": Law professor Eric Segall has this essay online today at The Daily Beast. [read post]