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4 Jun 2021, 3:54 am by Dan Filler
Katheleen Guzman, interim dean of Oklahoma University College of Law, has now been named permanent dean. [read post]
9 Jun 2019, 12:54 pm by Bridget Crawford
The University of Oklahoma has named long-time faculty member Katheleen Guzman as interim dean of the college of law while Dean Joseph Harroz serves as interim university president. [read post]
4 Jun 2021, 3:56 pm by Gerry W. Beyer
The following is from OU's press release: The University of Oklahoma announced today [May 25, 2021] the appointment of Katheleen Guzman as dean of the College of Law, pending OU Board of Regents’ approval. [read post]
6 Sep 2020, 7:46 am by Gerry W. Beyer
The Interim Dean of the University of Oklahoma College of Law, Katheleen Guzman, has recently published her innovative article in the Brooklyn Law Review entitled Wills Speak. [read post]
31 Mar 2012, 4:00 am by Trusts EstatesProf
Gillett (Arch B. and JoAnne Gilbert Professor of Law, University of Oklahoma, College of Law), Katheleen Guzman (Orpha & Maurice Merrill Professor of Law, University of Oklahoma College of Law), and Kelly Bruns (Attorney) recently published their book,... [read post]
14 Feb 2023, 10:00 am by Paul Caron
Rev. 527-732 (2022): Katheleen Guzman (Dean, Oklahoma), Opened Doors: A Tribute to Jon Forman, 74 Okla. [read post]
31 Jan 2022, 3:30 am by Katheleen Guzman
Katheleen Guzman Each moment of every day, many people are living without a formal estate plan and dying without a valid will. [read post]
17 Dec 2019, 3:30 am by Katheleen Guzman
Katheleen Guzman Intents and acts are different things. [read post]
16 Feb 2021, 3:30 am by Katheleen Guzman
Katheleen Guzman In 1956, sociologist Erving Goffman wrote his now-classic text, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. [read post]
8 May 2024, 3:30 am by Katheleen Guzman
Katheleen Guzman I am embarrassed to admit the time it took for me to realize that words beginning with the Latin prefix “re” generally denote something done over again: move and remove; solve and resolve; cognize and recognize. [read post]
4 Oct 2022, 8:12 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
“In partnership with Native Nations from in-state and around the country, we have long led the way in integrating Indigenous Peoples’ Law across doctrinal and experiential aspects of our program,” notes college dean Katheleen Guzman. [read post]
13 May 2012, 2:02 pm by Haskell Murray
  While searching for an academic job, I also pestered Matt Festa (South Texas), Katheleen Guzman (Oklahoma), Kevin Lee (Campbell), Emily Hammond Meazell (Oklahoma), Lucas Osborn (Campbell), Ellen Podgor (Stetson), Paul Regan (Widener), Usha Rodrigues (Georgia), Joe Thai (Oklahoma), J.W. [read post]
9 Sep 2020, 1:44 pm by fjhinojosa
Beyer’s article Ante-Mortem Probate: A Viable Alternative is cited in the following article: Katheleen Guzman, Wills Speak, 85 Brook. [read post]