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31 Aug 2015, 1:32 pm
Lisa Soronen will lead the discussion. [read post]
8 Jul 2019, 12:11 pm
Speakers will include Judith Vale and Paul Hughes; Lisa Soronen will serve as moderator. [read post]
14 Sep 2021, 1:52 pm
Moderated by Lisa Soronen of SLLC, the panel will feature Sarah Harris of Williams & Connolly, Rick Simpson of Wiley Rein, and Ken Jost, author of the Supreme Court Yearbook. [read post]
7 Apr 2017, 8:35 am
Speakers will include Paul Clement, Gregory Garre and Amy Howe; Lisa Soronen will serve as moderator. [read post]
7 Sep 2021, 1:08 pm
Lisa Soronen, executive director of the State & Local Legal Center, will moderate the discussion with Jessica Amunson of Jenner & Block, Erin Murphy of Kirkland & Ellis, and Susan Frederick of NCSL. [read post]
3 Apr 2015, 3:43 am
Briefly: At the Knowledge Center of the Council of State Governments, Lisa Soronen analyzes Monday’s per curiam decision in Grady v. [read post]
26 Mar 2020, 3:59 am
At the NCSL Blog, Lisa Soronen looks at Comcast v. [read post]
9 Jun 2017, 4:22 am
At the National Conference of State Legislatures Blog, Lisa Soronen discusses Town of Chester v. [read post]
13 May 2015, 6:43 am
Briefly: At the Appellate Practice Blog of the International Municipal Lawyers Association, Lisa Soronen discusses Green v. [read post]
21 Oct 2015, 5:23 am
Briefly: Writing for the blog of the National Conference of State Legislatures, Lisa Soronen discusses the State and Local Legal Center’s amicus brief in Luis v. [read post]
5 Jun 2014, 4:02 am
Briefly: At the International Municipal Lawyers Association’s Appellate Practice Blog, Lisa Soronen discusses last week’s grant in Comptroller v. [read post]
5 Sep 2014, 8:13 am
At the Council of State Governments, Lisa Soronen looks at the big picture, with brief previews of the issues that could affect states, while Adam Liptak of The New York Times previews Holt v. [read post]
9 Jun 2016, 4:34 am
” Commentary comes from Lisa Soronen, who at the NCSL Blog suggests that “what those challenging the plan seem most upset about is that the lower court concluded race does not ‘predominate’ in redistricting unless the use of race resulted in an ‘actual conflict’ with traditional redistricting criteria. [read post]
1 Jun 2015, 3:57 am
At the blog of the National Conference of State Legislatures, Lisa Soronen observes that the Court’s “agreeing to hear this case ranks as a surprised” because, “[o] ver the last 25 years the Supreme Court has denied certiorari in at least three other petitions (all involving local governments) arguing that voter population must be equalized in districts. [read post]
15 May 2019, 4:06 am
At The NCSL Blog, Lisa Soronen observes that Justice Clarence “Thomas spent a mere page explaining why a majority of the justices were rejecting stare decisis (let the decision stand) in this case. [read post]
22 May 2019, 4:10 am
At the NCSL blog, Lisa Soronen looks at Monday’s opinion in Herrera v. [read post]
2 Nov 2020, 1:19 pm
Lisa Soronen is executive director of the State and Local Legal Center, which filed an amicus brief in support of Philadelphia. [read post]
6 Jun 2014, 6:47 am
At, Lisa Soronen discusses the amicus brief filed by the State and Local Legal Center in Integrity Staffing Solutions v. [read post]
23 Mar 2020, 12:04 pm
The five-day seminar will take place during the afternoons of April 20-24, and will include a Supreme Court Update panel with this blog’s Amy Howe, Goldstein & Russell’s Sarah Harrington and Kirkland & Ellis’ Paul Clement, moderated by Lisa Soronen of the State and Local Legal Center. [read post]
14 Jul 2021, 11:52 am
It will be moderated by Lisa Soronen, the SLLC’s executive director. [read post]