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11 Jul 2013, 6:19 pm by Larry Catá Backer
My article, "The Cooperative as a Proletarian Corporation: The Global Dimensions of Property Rights and the Organization of Economic Activity in Cuba" has just been published and will appear in Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business 33:527-618 (2013). [read post]
24 Oct 2023, 7:41 am by Kate Huddleston
Initially somewhat unnoticed amid the maelstrom: the man who drove Fuentes to the meeting is the president of Texans for Strong Borders (TFSB), an anti-immigrant advocacy group. [read post]
28 May 2015, 8:23 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Copyright Office: Jacqueline CharlesworthMichelle ChoeRegan SmithCy DonnellySteve RuheJohn RileyStacy Cheney (NTIA) Proposed Class 5: Audiovisual works – derivative uses – multimedia e-books This proposed class would allow circumvention of access controls on lawfully made and acquired motion pictures used in connection with multimedia e-book authorship. [read post]
17 Nov 2017, 2:07 pm
Esto es válido, de manera especial, en los mismos Estados Unidos, donde una serie de comunicadores “liberales” (en realidad, ideólogos anti-sistema con inmensas añoranzas socialistas) se hacen eco de todo lo proveniente de sus “hermanos de ideales”. [read post]
27 Dec 2019, 7:55 am
” This overbroad formulation is a far cry from the definition set forth by the Supreme Court in Davis v. [read post]
9 Mar 2010, 12:20 am
Chief Justice Recuses in New Wyeth Case The National Law Journal The Supreme Court on Monday announced it was granting review in Bruesewitz v. [read post]
8 Dec 2007, 2:31 am
Realtime (chat) v. long-term (book, blog); solo (writing/programming) v. collaborative. [read post]
25 Sep 2015, 9:31 am by Rebecca Tushnet
 Distinguish notice of existence v. notice of scope. [read post]
25 May 2012, 12:36 pm by The JAG HUNTER
We’ll sing of ‘The Leaf’ and ‘The Parting Glass’, we’ll raise up our voices in song, No sadness today for those who have passed, we celebrate with a voices glad and strong. [read post]